
Il Mix Rivoluzionario: Glassage, la Nuova Frontiera delle Glassature per Pasticceria, Clean Label

In un mercato sempre più competitivo come quello della Pasticceria, gli operatori cercano soluzioni che possano migliorare la qualità dei loro prodotti e soddisfare le aspettative dei clienti. In questo contesto, come Produttori di Semilavorati per Pasticceria abbiamo lanciato un prodotto rivoluzionario: il "Glassage".

Buckwheat: A Real Superfood

Buckwheat - at first, this name can lead us off track, as it might be associated with Graminaceae, but buckwheat is not a real cereal, rather a pseudo-cereal belonging to the Polygonaceae family.

Rye, a high-altitude crop

Rye, among the many grains on the market, has uniquely distinctive characteristics compared to the others.

Corn, the cereal you don't expect

Incredible how corn can offer a tasty, fragrant and colourful product unlike the ordinary baked product.

Ancient Grains, bread with a taste of the past

The name Ancient grains which were once cultivated on a small scale and essentially used to feed the family


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